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Specializing in Real Estate Appraisal and Property Tax Consulting |
SUMMER 2008 |
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In This Issue: |
Leasehold Valuation A leasehold interest is created when a lease agreement is executed between lessor and lessee. A leasehold is "the interest held by the lessee (the tenant or renter) through a lease conveying the rights of use and occupancy for a stated term under certain conditions" (The Appraisal of Real Estate, 12th Edition).Unlike leased fee or fee simple interests, leasehold interests terminate upon the expiration of the lease and thus have no reversionary value. Leaseholds may have market value (value to persons or entities other than the lessee). The primary determinants of leasehold value are
Most leases contain sections dealing with the issue of transferability. In some cases, the tenant retains the right to transfer without limitation. In many others, the lessor retains the right to approve any such transfer or to restrict transfer in any event. Such language is often negotiated prior to execution. The relative strength of market conditions influence the outcome of such negotiations. During weak market dynamics, tenants are better positioned to obtain the right to transfer their leasehold interests than if the opposite were true. Lessors obviously wish to take advantage of rising rental rates, rather than allow tenants to reap such benefits, and they are positioned to do so if they have the right to approve or reject such transfers. The valuation of leasehold interests is nearly always based upon the income capitalization approach. The sales comparison approach is rarely applicable due to the dearth of sales of similar leasehold interests. Similarly, the cost approach is not useful in such valuations. Leasehold valuation requires careful consideration of the specific terms of the lease, most importantly the remaining term and the magnitude of the differential between market and contract rent. Leasehold interests are generally regarded as riskier than leased fee positions. Since value arises from the aforementioned rental differential, small changes in market rent may have an inordinately large effect on the value of the leasehold, similar to the effect of leverage. Accordingly, yield rates for leasehold valuation are typically higher than those for the leased fee interest in the same property. Many times the lessee will remain responsible for the rent due over the remaining term of the lease. In such cases, the credit worthiness of the sub-lessee is of considerable importance to the lessee. When the lessee subleases the premises, a "sandwich lease" is created, whereby the lessee becomes the lessor to the sublease. Professional real estate appraisers are often relied upon to analyze and quantify leasehold interests. |
Appraisal Reporting Options Real estate appraisers communicate assignment results (descriptive information, analyses, opinions and conclusions) in the form of appraisal reports. The essential content of such reports is governed by the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP). All state-certified appraisers are required to comply with USPAP.USPAP specifies three different reporting options: self-contained, summary and restricted use reports. Regardless of the reporting options used, USPAP requires that all reports
![]() Summary reports are also used when intended users are those other than the client. While not as detailed as self-contained reports, summary reports nonetheless have a considerable amount of information and analyses. Restricted use reports are permitted only when the intended user is the client and the client is familiar with the property. The content of restricted reports is typically quite limited. It is most important that the appraiser determine in advance what the client's knowledge of the property is and what the report will be used for. By doing so, misunderstandings will be avoided. Clients sometimes ask that appraisers provide "just a letter appraisal," stating that they do not need a lengthy report. The appraiser cannot accommodate such requests, given the strictures of USPAP. Rather, the above-described report types are the only options available. ![]() In short, the choice of reporting option is dictated by the user's level of understanding of the property and by the intended use of the report. Avoiding confusion and misleading content is of paramount importance. |
Functional Obsolescence Depreciation is "the difference between the market value of an improvement and its reproduction or replacement cost at the time of the appraisal. The depreciated cost of the improvement can be considered an indication of the improvement's contribution to the property's market value" (The Appraisal of Real Estate, 12th Edition).Functional obsolescence is distinctly different from depreciation, as reflected in cost-based financial statements. Within the overall category of depreciation, there are three sub-categories: physical deterioration, functional obsolescence and external obsolescence. ![]() Functional obsolescence may be either curable or incurable. In the case of the former, the cost to cure will result in a value increase equal to or greater than said cost. Incurable obsolescence cannot be economically cured. Further, this type of obsolescence may be due to a deficiency or a superadequacy. Functional obsolescence is best described by type of property. Examples of functional obsolescence in office buildings are as follows: ![]()
1 Curable: Deficiency requiring an addition; deficiency requiring substitution or modernization; or superadequacy. 2 Incurable: Deficiency or superadequacy. The quantification of functional obsolescence is beyond the scope of this article. The specifics of a particular improvement dictate the proper treatment of the obsolescence. Nonetheless, the model for addressing functional obsolescence (per the above-cited source) involves the following:
Principle of Substitution The principle of substitution is both basic and extremely important in real estate valuation. The term is defined as, "The appraisal principle that states that when several similar or commensurate commodities, goods, or services are available, the one with the lowest price will attract the greatest demand and widest distribution. This is the primary principle upon which the cost and sales comparison approaches are based" (The Appraisal of Real Estate, 12th Edition).![]() In all cases, the principle of substitution is based upon the rationality of the decision-makers, as well as the assumption that no undue delay is involved in achieving successful outcomes. The principle of substitution also applies to market rent estimation. Specifically, a rational lessee would not pay a greater rental rate than that available for equally desirable alternative space. The elements considered in evaluating alternatives are numerous. They include use, design and appeal, quality and condition, location, availability and cost of parking, among others. For investors, the essential concern is the relationship between returns and risk among alternative properties. ![]() Investors utilize this principle in evaluating the share prices of publicly traded real estate investment trusts (REITs). If the aggregate value of REIT shares significantly exceeds the aggregate value of the underlying real estate assets, one would anticipate a correction in share prices. Alternatively, if share prices in the aggregate are materially less than the value of owned real estate, an increase in share prices may be likely. The decisions of value-driven investors are frequently based upon such relationships. The principle of substitution is of prime significance. For the real estate valuation professional, this principle is implicit in the proper application of all three approaches to value. |
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